
Niatross Investments manages a concentrated portfolio of high-conviction, listed equity investments, constructed using fundamental, financial analysis. We are patient, medium-duration, bottom-up investors, and believe our skill sets are best suited to longer-term investments.

Our goal is to generate exceptional returns through the cycle, while ensuring preservation of capital. The principal investments in the portfolio must exhibit meaningful discounts to probability-adjusted fair value, and most importantly, minimal downside risk.

We are generalists, and are benchmark, index, sector and country agnostic. We focus on finding businesses which are analysable, knowable, and where the possibility exists for high levels of conviction and independent, differentiated thought, such that a concentrated portfolio can be built.

All of our investments are value based: some may be in companies with low absolute valuation multiples, some may not be, but all trade at substantial discounts to our estimation of where fair value lies. Contrarian investments are embraced, and consensus positioning is avoided.